Relationship Counselling Sydney

Relationships are central to psychological health. Satisfying and supportive relationships with friends, family, or partners are associated with increased psychological wellbeing, and reduced levels of depression and stress. Good relationships are also good for your physical health. Social support has been found to have immune-boosting effects, and to protect against a range of health problems and disease. However, relationships can be complex, and building satisfying and harmonious relationships can be difficult. It is not surprising, then, that relationship counselling is amongst the most common reasons for visiting a psychologist.

Our practice has a very strong focus on relationships. Our Sydney psychologists work with individuals, couples and families to improve their relationships through counselling and therapy, easing pain and relieving distress, and helping people to respond effectively to relationship difficulties.

Some common relationship difficulties for which people seek relationship counselling include:

Relationship counselling can help you, either individually or as a couple or family, to work out what is driving the problems in your relationships. It is often difficult on your own to see clearly what is happening in your relationships, and to disentangle the different threads that run through your relationship difficulties. Relationship and couple counselling provides a supportive and non-judgemental environment in which to constructively explore the causes of relationship problems.

Together with a psychologist relationship counselling provides you with insight, knowledge, skills, and approaches that enable you to change unhelpful relationship patterns, respond productively to relationship difficulties, and ultimately build healthier and more satisfying bonds.

Experienced pyschologists with expertise in couples & relationship counselling

The terms relationship counselling, marriage counselling, and couple counselling are often used interchangeably to refer to essentially the same thing: counseling that helps people understand and work constructively with the challenges in their intimate relationships. Whether you are in a same sex or heterosexual relationship, married or defacto, living together or apart, or in a new or established relationship, counselling addresses itself to the particular challenges that you and your partner face in your relationship with one another. - Lissa Johnson & Associates - Relationship Counselling Sydney
Phone: Sydney (02) 9331 0756 or 0412 593 773 
Address: Suite 517, 185 Elizabeth St Sydney